tagline: everyone wants to be found.
i saw an amazing film today that i am going to recommend to everyone. said film is "Lost in Translation". my words could never do justice to the experience, but the movie was a small work of art. gorgeously lensed, wonderfully acted and the music meshed perfectly w/ the scenes. the film kinda sucks you in and you really feel like you are somewhere else for the next 2 hrs. Tokyo looks amazing in the film and the city scenes come alive w/ an urban energy like i've never seen. the hotel where the film takes place is a character in itself, floating in a vast sea of urban sprawl; a bit of an oasis amidst the flurry of megacity life. Vancouver's got nuthin on Tokyo.
another point i wanna bring up is that its time that Bill Murray is finally recognized as an extraordinary actor after watching him work in this film. the guy was perfect in "Rushmore" and he seems to be on a good roll. otoh Scarlett Johansson gave a vulnerable and uplifitng performance as the lead opposite Murray's.
Sofia Coppola... the director, or should i say directress, is just getting better as she goes along. Virgin Suicides was good, but LiT is far better.
see this film... please...

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